






中方代表选送机构: 中艺东升(北京)文化有限公司








随着国家‘一带一路‘战略的推进,一带一路沿线各国间的文化合作也随之深入开展。文化部外联局近年来陆续邀请中东欧国家音乐节总监(2012年)、爵士节总监(2015年)、作曲家来华采风与委约创作(2016)、戏剧节艺术总监(2016)来华访问,均获得极大成功。 该类活动已经为我国与中东欧各国的文化交流和艺术交往建立起一系列扎实的铺垫,中东欧国家各艺术门派的领军人物均对我国文化艺术的兴趣日趋浓厚。 为进一步推进世界对中国文化的认知,更为进一步加强中国与中东欧国家文化合作,落实《中国-中东欧国家2016-2017年文化合作索菲亚宣言》,促进双方民间艺术界人士相互了解,推动中国优秀民族民间文化“走出去”,中国文化部于2017年10月3日至21日在华成功举办“中东欧国家国际民间艺术节总监访华”活动。

该访华活动邀请中东欧国家主流国际民间艺术节总监赴云南省德宏州和怒江州、福建省泉州市以及上海市等地访问考察。 总监们在了解到中国的原汁原味的民间艺术文化生态后,还前往上海出席了中国唯一国家级综合性国际艺术节:上海国际艺术节及国际表演艺术交易会。 在这个顶级的艺术盛会上,总监们参加演出交易展会,与国际同行们共同推进文化贸易,从本质上深入一带一路文化合作。


其中马其顿国际民间艺术节总监Stojko Mitkovski及行政总监Petre TOPLIKLIEV所代表的International Folklore Festival国际民间艺术节始于1986年,从9月下半旬开始,每年有超过600名来自马其顿和世界各地的青年及青少年参加。节日的主要目标是展示来自世界各地的民族传统:风俗、歌曲、舞蹈、乐器和民族服装。 对于各国年轻人而言,该艺术节让他们更加热爱传统并为保护本国民族精粹艺术而努力。 2018年该艺术节由Vinica市政府及马其顿文化部赞助举办。 现二位总监诚邀中方一只青少年民间舞代表队参加2018年9月14日至20日的艺术节,切实为两国官方推动文化交流的努力结出实际民间交流的成果。



As ‘the Belt and Road’ Strategy proceeds, cultural cooperation among countries along the Silk Road also begins to prosper. In recent years, the Bureau for External Culture Relations of the Ministry of Culture has invited CEEC Music Festival Directors Delegation (2012), Jazz Festival Directors Delegation (2015), Composers Fieldtrip and Commission Delegation (2016) and Drama Festival Directors Delegation (2016) to China. Great success has been achieved in all events mentioned above. A series of events has already become the base for cultural and art exchanges between China and CEECs. As a result, renowned figures of different art genres in CEECs has shown their increasing interest to Chinese art and culture. To facilitate the world’s understanding of Chinese culture and strengthen the cultural cooperation between China and CEEC countries, the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China held ‘CEEC Folk Festival Directors Delegation to China’ event from October 3 to 21, 2017 in China. This is also to help implement Sofia Declaration on Cultural Cooperation of China and Central and Eastern European Countries 2016-2017, to improve the understanding between people from the art world of both sides and to promote the ‘Going to the world’ policy of excellent Chinese culture.


Directors of major CEEC Folk Festivals will be invited to visit Dehong and Nujiang Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province, Quanzhou City in Fujian Province and Shanghai. All the directors went to Shanghai to take part in the only state-level arts festival in China, the China Shanghai International Arts Festival (CSIAF) and Performing Arts Fair (ChinaSPAF). In addition, the delegation joined the ChinaSPAF to deepen the cultural cooperation and promote cultural trade with colleagues from all over the world.


International Folklore Festival

 “istibanjsko zdravozivo” Istibanja-Macedonia


The festival for the first time is realized 1986 and since that time every year in the second half of September on one place are coming 20 children-youth ensembles with more than 600 participants from Macedonia and the world. The main target of the festival is to present the national traditions from all over the world with: customs, songs, dances, instruments and national costumes. To make love in young peoples minds and heads for their traditions and traditions of other nations. The festival is organized by folklore ensemble “kitka” from Istibanja which is source of macedonian tradition. All performances is on open stage for the several thousands visitors in istibanja-vinica and other places in east part of Macedonia. Duration of the festival is 6 (six) days and by the performances there is organized and some other activities: national evenings, displays, partys, excursion on different cultural-historical monuments of Macedonia…festival has own moto: “our present friendship is guarantee for tomorrow peace…” international folklore festival “istibanjsko zdravozivo” is a member it can be found in calendars of world organizations for national culture and festivals i.o.v. and c.i.o.f.f. (unesco).